This pack­age pro­vides user con­trol over the lay­out of the three ba­sic list en­vi­ron­ments: enu­mer­ate, item­ize and de­scrip­tion. It su­per­sedes both enu­mer­ate and md­wlist (pro­vid­ing well-struc­tured re­place­ments for all their fun­tion­al­ity), and in ad­di­tion pro­vides func­tions to com­pute the lay­out of la­bels, and to ‘clone’ the stan­dard en­vi­ron­ments, to cre­ate new en­vi­ron­ments with coun­ters of their own.

CTAN path/macros/latex/contrib/enumitem
Doc­u­men­ta­tion Readme
Pack­age doc­u­men­ta­tion
Ver­sion 3.5.2
Li­cense The LATEX Project Public Li­cense
Copy­right 2003-2009 Javier Be­zos
Main­tainer Javier Be­zos
Con­tained in TEXLive as en­u­mitem
MiKTEX as en­u­mitem
Topics list: gen­eral
