
Allow me to explain the difference between LaTex's .cls and .sty files and LyX's .layout files.

The LaTeX style files define how the LaTeX compiler will compile your LaTeX file to generate the typeset document in dvi format. They are
necessarily complex. The LyX layout files have a far simpler job. They define how LyX should represent the different environments (sections, subsections, floats, etc) on the LyX screen.

The stuff in llncs2e.zip will contain everything needed by LaTeX, but of itself is useless to LyX. LyX needs a llncs.layout file. You should find just such a layout file in your LyX distribution at ${PREFIX}/share/lyx/layouts/llncs.layout where your LyX executable is at ${PREFIX}/bin/lyx

If you fire up LyX and open the "LaTeX Configuration" document, accessible from the Help menu, you should find a section 4.25 llncs. If LyX hasn't been able to find the llncs LaTeX files, then you should install the stuff in llncs2e.zip. (Don't forget to reconfigure the LaTeX tree --- on linux that's usually done by running texhash from /usr/share/texmf.)

Thereafter, reconfigure LyX (Edit->Reconfigure) and check whether the "LaTeX Configuration" document now lists llncs as "found".

Assuming it does, your ready to rock. Start a new document, open up the Layout->Document dialog, set the Document class to llncs and get
busy ;-)

The "Document class" setting has a pop-up menu of many classes. At the end of the list are the "Unavailable" classes which are ones that LyX knows about but doesn't have the .cls file for.


Then install the files therein to your TeX installation. If you installed TeX using MacPorts/DarwinPorts, you can do this by unzipping that directory to /opt/local/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/llncs2e.

Then run `sudo texhash` to let the system know about them. Then run LyX and choose Reconfigure from the application menu and restart. When you start again, the document class should be available.
