This pack­age sup­ports com­mon lay­outs for tab­u­lar col­umn heads in whole doc­u­ments, based on one-col­umn tab­u­lar en­vi­ron­ment. In ad­di­tion, it can cre­ate multi-lined tab­u­lar cells.

The Pack­age also of­fers:

  • a macro which changes the ver­ti­cal space around all the cells in a tab­u­lar en­vi­ron­ment (sim­i­lar to the func­tion of the tabls pack­age, but us­ing the fa­cil­i­ties of the ar­ray)
  • ; macros for mul­ti­row cells, which use the fa­cil­i­ties of the mul­ti­row pack­age;
  • macros to num­ber rows in ta­bles, or to skip cells;
  • di­ag­o­nally di­vided cells;
  • hor­i­zon­tal lines in tab­u­lar en­vi­ron­ments with de­fined thick­ness.
