If you use \begin{figure} ... \end{figure} in a multicols environment, the figure won’’t appear. If instead you use \begin{figure*} ... \end{figure*} the figure will stretch right across the page, probably at the top of the page.


It’’s possible to have single-column figures and tables with captions, but you might have to fiddle with the placement because they won’’t ‘’float’’. Put the following before \begin{document}











then use figurehere and tablehere where you’’d normally use figure[h....] and table[h...]




xzhang 发表于:2006-8-12 10:31:38 [编辑] [精华] [删除] [回复]

评论 No need for multicol.sty


No need for multicol.sty. Use






Will be spanning the whole text width



Now your two-column text starts.


You can use figure and figure* for one resp. two column floats.


Happy TeXing!


摘自: Axel Reichert -- http://mt.mpie-duesseldorf.mpg.de/people/reich/


评论 No need for multicol.sty


No need for multicol.sty. Use






Will be spanning the whole text width



Now your two-column text starts.


You can use figure and figure* for one resp. two column floats.


Happy TeXing!


摘自: Axel Reichert -- http://mt.mpie-duesseldorf.mpg.de/people/reich/
