李顶河, 刘岩, 张雄. ...
廉艳平, 张雄, 张帆, 崔潇骁. Tied interface grid material point method for problems with localized extreme deformation. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 70:50-61, 2014 (DOI: ...
崔潇骁,张雄,周旭,刘岩,张帆. A coupled finite difference material point method and its
...李金光, Y. Hamamoto, 刘岩, 张雄. Sloshing impact simulation with material point method
...刘平, 刘岩, 张雄. Investigation on High-Velocity Impact of Micron Particles using
...刘平, 刘岩, 张雄. Internal-structure-model Based Simulation
...Y.P. Lian et al., A FEMP method and
...廉艳平,张雄,刘岩. Coupling between finite element and material point method for problems with extreme deformation. Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters, in press.
...刘岩, KM Liew, Y C Hon and 张雄.