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  1. Zixian Sun, Zhixin Zeng, Jiasheng Li, Xiong Zhang. An immersed multi-material arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian finite element method for fluid–structure-interaction problems. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 432: 117398, 2024. (DOI: 10.1016/j.cma.2024.117398).
  2. J Given, Y Liang, Z Zeng, X Zhang, K Soga. The virtual stress boundary method to impose nonconforming Neumann boundary conditions in the material point methodComputational Partical Mechanics (2024). (DOI: 10.1007/s40571-024-00793-0)
  3. Zhixin Zeng, Xiong Zhang. A novel peridynamics refinement method with dual-horizon peridynamics. Engineering with Computers, 2024. in press. (DOI: 10.1007/s00366-024-01983-3)
  4. Zixian Sun, Ruichen Ni, Zhixin Zeng, Xiong Zhang. A localized subdomain smoothing MMALE particle method for efficient modeling FSI problems. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 419:116676, 2024. (DOI: 10.1016/j.cma.2023.116676)
  5. Heng Zhang, Dan Huang, Xiong Zhang. Peridynamic modeling of elastic-plastic ductile fracture. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 418: 116560, 2024. (DOI: 10.1016/j.cma.2023.116560)
  6. Jiasheng Li, Ruichen Ni, Zhixin Zeng, Xiong Zhang. A solid shell material point method for efficient large deformation modeling of thin structures. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 125(1):e7359, 2024. (DOI: 10.1002/nme.7359)
  7. Zhixin Zeng, Ruichen Ni, Xiong Zhang, Yan Liu. An explicit phase field material point method for modeling dynamic fracture problems. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 124(12): 2680-2708, 2023. (DOI: 10.1002/nme.7231).
  8. Ruichen Ni, Jiasheng Li, Xiong Zhang, Xu Zhou, Xiaoxiao Cui. An immersed boundary-material point method for shock-structure interaction and dynamic fracture. Journal of Computational Physics, 470:111558, 2022. (DOI: 10.1016/j.jcp.2022.111558).
  9. Heng Zhang, Xiong Zhang. Peridynamic analysis of materials interface fracture with thermal effect. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2022, 103420. (DOI: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2022.103420).
  10. Lei Kan, Xiong Zhang. An immersed MMALE material point method for FSI problems with structure fracturing. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 396:115099, 2022 (DOI:10.1016/j.cma.2022.115099).
  11. Heng Zhang, Xiong Zhang, Yan Liu. A peridynamic model for contact problems involving fracture. Engineering Fracture Mechanics,267:108436,2022. (DOI: 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2022.108436).
  12. Ming-Jian Li, Yanping Lian, Xiong Zhang. An immersed finite element material point (IFEMP) method for free surface fluid–structure interaction problems. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,393:114809,2022. (DOI: 10.1016/j.cma.2022.114809)
  13. Zhixin Zeng, Heng Zhang, Xiong Zhang, Yan Liu, Zhen Chen. An adaptive peridynamics material point method for dynamic fracture problem.  Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 393:114786, 2022. (DOI: 10.1016/j.cma.2022.114786)
  14. Heng Zhang, Xiong Zhang, Yan Liu, Pizhong Qiao. Peridynamic modeling of elastic bimaterial interface fracture. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 390: 114458, 2022. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cma.2021.114458)
  15. Lei Kan, Yong Liang, Xiong Zhang. A Critical Assessment and Contact Algorithm for the Staggered Grid Material Point Method. International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design,17:743–766,2021. (DOI: 10.1007/s10999-021-09557-7).
  16. Murong Li, Yong Lei, Dedong Gao, Yingda Hu & Xiong Zhang. A novel material point method (MPM) based needle-tissue interaction model, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 24(12):1393-1407, 2021. (DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2021.1890047)
  17. Heng Zhang, Xiong Zhang, Pizhong Qiao. A new peridynamic mixed-mode bond failure model for interface delamination and homogeneous materials fracture analysis. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 379(1): 113728,  2021 (DOI: 10.1016/j.cma.2021.113728)
  18. Yong Liang, Xiong Zhang, Yan Liu. Extended Material Point Method for the 3D Crack Problems. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 122(12):3044-3069. 2021. (DOI: 10.1002/nme.6653)
  19. Zhixin Zeng, Yu-Chen Su, Xiong Zhang, Zhen Chen. Combining peridynamics and generalized interpolation material point method via volume modification for simulating transient responses. Computational Particle Mechanics, 8:337-347, 2021. (DOI: 10.1007/s40571-020-00334-5)
  20. Ruichen Ni, Xiong Zhang. A precise critical time step formula for the explicit material point method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 121:4989-5016, 2020. (DOI: 10.1002/NME.6506)
  21. Yan Song, Yan Liu, Xiong Zhang. A non-penetration FEM-MPM contact algorithm for complex fluid-structure interaction problems. Computers and Fluids. 213: 104749, 2020. (DOI: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2020.104749)
  22. Yan Song, Yan Liu, Xiong Zhang. A Transport Point Method for Complex Flow Problems with Free Surface. Computational Particle Mechanics. 7(2): 377-391, 2020. (DOI: 10.1007/s40571-019-00282-9)
  23. Yong Liang, Xiong Zhang, Yan Liu. An Efficient Staggered Grid Material Point Method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 352: 85-109, 2019. (DOI: 10.1016/j.cma.2019.04.024)
  24. Xiang Chen, Xiong Zhang. A Coupled MMALE-FE Method for Solving 3D Fluid-Solid Interaction Problems with Multi-material Flow. Engineering Computations. 36(8): 2766-2786, 2019. (DOI: 10.1108/EC-10-2018-0486)
  25. Xiang Chen, Xiong Zhang. A predicted-Newton's method for solving the interface positioning equation in the MoF method on general polyhedrons. Journal of Computational Physics. 384: 60-76, 2019. (DOI: 10.1016/j.jcp.2018.12.038)
  26. Zhen-Peng Chen, Xiong Zhang, Kam Yim Sze, Lei Kan, Xin-Ming Qiu. v-p material point method for weakly compressible problems. Computers and Fluids, 176: 170-181, 2018.  (DOI: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2018.09.005)
  27. Yan Liu, Xuena Si, Ping Liu, Xiong Zhanga. Mesoscopic Modeling and Simulation of 3D Orthogonal Woven Composites Using Material Point Method. Composite Structures. 203:425-435, 2018. (DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2018.07.008)
  28. Zhiping Ye, Xiong Zhang, Gangtie Zheng, Guanghui Jia. A material point method model and ballistic limit equation for hyper velocity impact of multi-layer fabric coated aluminum plate. Int J Mech Mater Des. 14(4): 511-526, 2018. (DOI: 10.1007/s10999-017-9387-0)
  29. Fan Zhang, Xiong Zhang, Kam Yim Sze, Yong Liang, Yan Liu. Improved incompressible material point method based on particle density correction. International Journal of Computational Methods. 15(07): 1850061, 2018. (DOI: 10.1142/S0219876218500615)
  30. Y. Lian, X. Zhang. A Coupled Finite Element Material Point Method for Large Deformation Problems. Advances in Computational Coupling and Contact Mechanics.  251-288, 2018. (DOI: 10.1142/9781786344786_0007)
  31. Bo Wu,Zhenpeng Chen, Xiong Zhang, Yan Liu, Yanping Lian. Coupled Shell-Material Point Method for Bird Strike Simulation. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica. 31(1):1-18, 2018. (DOI: 10.1007/s10338-018-0001-2)
  32. Fan Zhang, Xiong Zhang, Yan Liu. An augmented incompressible material point method for modeling liquid sloshing problems. International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design. 14(1):141–155, 2018. (DOI: 10.1007/s10999-017-9366-5)
  33. Yong Gan, Zheng Sun, Zhen Chen, Xiong Zhang, Yu Liu. Enhancement of the material point method using B-spline basis functions. International Journal For Numerical Methods In Engineering. 113(3):411–431, 2018. (DOI: 10.1002/nme.5620)
  34. Xiang Chen, Xiong Zhng. An Improved 2D MoF Method by Using High Order Derivatives. Journal of Computational Physics. 349: 176–190, 2017 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jcp.2017.08.031)
  35. Yong Liang, Tamas Benedek, Xiong Zhang, Yan Liu. Material Point Method with Enriched Shape Function for Crack Problems. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 322:541-562, 2017. (DOI: 10.1016/j.cma.2017.05.012)
  36. Zhen-Peng Chen, Xiong Zhang, Xin-Ming Qiu, Yan Liu. A frictional contact algorithm for implicit material point method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 321:124–144, 2017.(DOI: 10.1016/j.cma.2017.04.006)
  37. Nianfeng He, Yan Liu, Xiong Zhang. Seamless Coupling of Molecular Dynamics and Material Point Method via Smoothed Molecular Dynamics. International Journal For Numerical Methods In Engineering. 112(4):380-400, 2017. (DOI: 10.1002/nme.5543)
  38. Xiang Chen, Xiong Zhang, Zupeng Jia. A Robust and Efficient Polyhedron Subdivision and Intersection Algorithm for Three-Dimensional MMALE Remapping. Journal of Computational Physics, 338:1–17, 2017. (DOI: 10.1016/j.jcp.2017.02.029)
  39. Fan Zhang, Xiong Zhang, KY Sze, Yanping Lian, Yan Liu. Incompressible material point method for free surface flow. Journal of Computational Physics, 330: 92–110, 2017. (DOI: 10.1016/j.jcp.2016.10.064)
  40. Xiang Chen, Xiong Zhang. An improved 3D MoF method based on analytical partial derivatives. Journal of Computational Physics. 326: 156–170, 2016. (DOI: 10.1016/j.jcp.2016.08.051)
  41. D H Li, X Zhang, K Y Sze, Y Liu. Extended Layerwise method for laminated composite plates with multiple delaminations and transverse cracks. Computational Mechanics, 58(4): 657-679, 2016. (DOI: 10.1007/s00466-016-1310-2)
  42. P Liu, Y Liu, X Zhang. Simulation of Hyper-velocity Impact on Double Honeycomb Sandwich Panel and Its Staggered Improvement with Internal-structure Model. International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, 12(2): 241-254, 2016. (DOI: 10.1007/s10999-015-9300-7)
  43. Nianfeng He, Yan Liu, Xiong Zhang. Molecular dynamics-smoothed molecular dynamics (MD-SMD) adaptive coupling method with seamless transition. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 108(3): 233–251, 2016. (DOI: 10.1002/nme.5224).
  44. Nianfeng He, Yan Liu, Xiong Zhang. An Improved Smoothed Molecular Dynamics Method by Alternating with Molecular Dynamics. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 296: 273–294, 2015. (DOI:10.1016/j.cma.2015.08.005)
  45. Yuzhe Liu, Xinming Qiu, Xiong Zhang, T. X. Yu. Response of Woodpecker's Head during Pecking Process Simulated by Material Point Method. PLOS ONE. 10(4):E0122677, 2015 (DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0122677).
  46. 刘平, 刘岩, 张雄. Improved shielding structure with double honeycomb cores for hyper-velocity impact. Mechanics Research Communications. 69:34~39, 2015. (DOI: 10.1016/j.mechrescom.2015.06.003)
  47. 陈镇鹏, 邱信明, 张雄, 廉艳平. Improved coupling of finite element method with material point method based on a particle-to-surface contact algorithm. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 293(15): 1~19, 2015. (DOI: 10.1016/j.cma.2015.04.005)
  48. 廉艳平, 杨鹏飞, 张雄, 张帆, 刘岩, 黄鹏.  A Mesh-Grading Material Point Method and Its Parallelization for Problems with Localized Extreme Deformation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 289(1): 291–315, 2015. (DOI: 10.1016/j.cma.2015.02.020)
  49. 刘平, 刘岩, 张雄. Internal-structure-model Based Simulation Research of Shielding Properties of Honeycomb Sandwich Panel Subjected to High-Velocity ImpactInternational Journal of Impact Engineering. 77:120 - 133, 2015.
  50. 李顶河, 刘岩, 张雄.  An extended Layerwise method for composite laminated beams with multiple delaminations and matrix cracks. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 101(6):407 - 434,  2015. (DOI: 10.1002/nme.4803)
  51. 刘平, 刘岩, 张雄. Investigation on High-Velocity Impact of Micron Particles using Material Point Method. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 75: 241–254, 2015. (DOI: 10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2014.09.001)
  52. 李金光, Y. Hamamoto, 刘岩, 张雄. Sloshing impact simulation with material point method and its experimental validations. Computers & Fluids, 103(1):  86–99, 2014 (DOI: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2014.07.025)
  53. 刘岩, 宫伟伟, 张雄. Numerical investigation of influences of porous density and strain-rate effect on dynamical responses of aluminum foam. Computational Materials Science, 91: 223 ~ 230, 2014  (DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2014.05.002)
  54. 崔潇骁,张雄,周旭,刘岩,张帆. A coupled finite difference material point method and its application in explosion simulation, CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences. 98(6): 565-599, 2014  (doi:10.3970/cmes.2014.098.565)
  55. 廉艳平, 张雄, 张帆, 崔潇骁. Tied interface grid material point method for problems with localized extreme deformation. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 70:50-61, 2014 (DOI: 10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2014.03.008)
  56. 廉艳平,刘岩,张雄. Coupling of membrane element with material point method for fluid membrane interaction problems. International Journal of Mechanics & Materials in Design. 10(2): 199-211, 2014 (DOI: 10.1007/s10999-014-9241-6).
  57. Pengfei Yang, Yong Gan, Xiong Zhang, Zhen Chen, Wanjun Q and Ping Liu. Improved Decohesion Modeling with the Material Point Method For Simulating Crack Evolution. International Journal of Fracture.186(1-2): 177-184, 2014 (DOI:10.1007/s10704-013-9925-1).
  58. B. L. Boyce, S. L. B. Kramer, ... X. Zhang, ... (51 authros). The Sandia Fracture Challenge: blind round robin predictions of ductile tearing. International Journal of Fracture. 186(1-2): 5-68, 2014 (DOI: 10.1007/s10704-013-9904-6).
  59. 李顶河, 刘岩, 张雄. Low-velocity impact responses of the stiffened composite laminated plates based on the progressive failure model and the layerwise/solid-elements method. Composite Structures. 110:249~275, 2014. (DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2013.12.011)
  60. 崔潇骁,张雄,K Y Sze,周旭.  An alternating finite difference material point method for numerical simulation of high explosive explosion problems. CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 92(5): 507~538, 2013. (DOI: 10.3970/cmes.2013.092.507
  61. 李顶河,刘岩,张雄.Linear statics and free vibration sensitivity analysis of the composite sandwich plates based on a layerwise/solid-element method. Composite Structures. 106:175-200,2013. (DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2013.05.056)
  62. 李顶河,刘岩,张雄. A layerwise/solid-element method of the linear static and free vibration analysis for the composite sandwich plates. Composites Part B. 52: 187-198, 2013. (DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2013.04.031)
  63. 刘岩,王汉奎,张雄. A Multiscale Framework for High-velocity Impact Process with Combined Material Point Method and Molecular Dynamics. International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design. 9(2): 127-139, 2013. (DOI: 10.1007/s10999-013-9213-2
  64. 杨鹏飞,S A Meguid,张雄. Accurate modelling of the crush behaviour of thin tubular columns using material point method. SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 56(2): 1~11, 2013. (DOI: 10.1007/s11433-013-5073-x
  65. 周双珍,张雄,马红磊. Numerical Simulation of Human Head Impact Using the Material Point. International Journal of Computational Methods. 10(4): 1350014, 2013. (DOI: 10.1142/S021987621350014X)  
  66. 杨鹏飞,刘岩,张雄,周旭,赵玉立. Simulation of Fragmentation with Material Point Method Based on Gurson Model and Random Failure. CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering &  Sciences, 85(3): 207-236, 2012. 
  67. 廉艳平,张雄,刘岩. An adaptive finite element material point method and its application in extreme deformation problems. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 241–244 (1): 275–285, 2012  (DOI: 10.1016/j.cma.2012.06.015). 
  68. 宫伟伟,刘岩,张雄,马红磊. Numerical Investigation on Dynamical Response of Aluminum Foam Subject to Hypervelocity Impact With Material Point Method. CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering &  Sciences 83(5): 527-545, 2012 
  69. 廉艳平,张雄,刘岩. Coupling between finite element and material point method for problems with extreme deformation. Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters  2, 021003(2012) ( DOI:10.1063/2.1202103)
  70. R. Ambati, H. Yuan, X. Pan, X. Zhang, Application of material point methods for cutting process simulations. Computational Materials Science 57: 102-110,  2012 (doi:10.1016/j.commatsci.2011.06.018
  71. 王汉奎,刘岩,张雄. The carbon nanotube composite simulation by material point method. Computational Materials Science 57: 23-29,  2012 . (DOI: 10.1016/j.commatsci.2011.06.017
  72. 宫伟伟,张雄,邱信明. Numerical Study of Dynamic Compression Process of Aluminum Foam with Material Point Method. CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 82(3-4): 195-213, 2011. 
  73. 廉艳平,张雄,刘岩. Coupling of finite element method with material point method by local multi-mesh contact method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 200: 3482–3494, 2011. (DOI: 10.1016/j.cma.2011.07.014)  
  74. 廉艳平,张雄,周旭,马志涛. A FEMP method and its application in modeling dynamic response of reinforced concrete subjected to impact loading.Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 200(17-20): 1659-1670, 2011. (DOI:10.1016/j.cma.2011.01.019)  
  75. 廉艳平,张雄,周旭,马上,赵玉立. Numerical Simulation of Explosively Driven Metal by Material Point Method. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 38(4): 238-246, 2011.  (DOI: 10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2010.10.031)  
  76. 黄鹏,张雄,马上,黄西成. Contact Algorithms for the Material Point Method in Impact and Penetration Simulation. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 85(4): 498-517, 2011. (DOI: 10.1002/nme.2981
  77. 张衍涛,张雄,刘岩. An alternated grid updating parallel algorithm for material point method using OpenMP.  CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 69(2): 143-165, 2010. 
  78. 马志涛, 张雄, 黄鹏. An Object-Oriented MPM Framework for Simulation of Large Deformation and Contact of Numerous Grains. CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 55(1): 61-88, 2010. 
  79. Qiu, Xinming; He, Lianghong; Qian, Yueqiang; Zhang, Xiong. Plastic zone of semi-infinite crack in planar KAGOME and triangular lattices. ACTA MECHANICA SOLIDA SINICA. 22(3):213 - 225, 2009.
  80. 马上,张雄,邱信明. Comparison study of MPM and SPH in modeling hypervelocity impact problems. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 36: 272-282, 2009. 
  81. 马上,张雄,廉艳平,周旭. Simulation of high explosive explosion using adaptive material point method, CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 39(2): 101-123, 2009 
  82. 王汉奎,张雄,邱信明. Adaptive smoothed molecular dynamics for multiscale modeling, Computational Materials Science, 46(3): 713-715, 2009 
  83. 黄鹏,张雄,马上,王汉奎. Shared Memory OpenMP Parallelization of Explicit MPM and Its Application to Hypervelocity Impact. CMES: Computer Modelling in Engineering & Sciences. 38(2): 119-148, 2008 
  84. 刘岩,张雄,KY Sze,汪敏. Smoothed Molecular Dynamics for Large Step Time Integration. CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences,19(3): 177-192, 2007. 
  85. 汪敏,张雄,郑泉水,刘岩. A membrane-spring model for carbon nanotubes with the van der Waals interaction between non-bonded atoms, Nanotechnology 18, 375706, 2007. 
  86. 汪敏,邱信明,张雄,殷雅俊. Equivalent parameter study of the mechanical properties of super carbon nanotubes, Nanotechnology 18, 295708, 2007.
  87. 汪敏,邱信明,张雄. Mechanical properties of super honeycomb structures based on carbon nanotubes. Nanotechnology 18, 075711, 2007.
  88. 张雄,KY Sze,马上. An explicit material point finite element method for hyper velocity impact, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 66:689-706, 2006. 
  89. 汪敏,张雄,陆明万,刘岩. Effect of defects on resonance of carbon nanotubes as mass sensors,Applied Physics Letters,88, 113513, 2006. 
  90. 汪敏,张雄,陆明万. Nonlinear membrane-spring model for carbon nanotubes,Physical Review B,72, 205403, 2005. 
  91. Y Liu, KM Liew, Y C Hon and X Zhang. Numerical simulation and analysis of an electroactuated beam using a radial basis function. SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES, 14 1163-1171, 2005. 
  92. 刘岩, 张雄, 陆明万. Meshless Least-Squares Method for Solving the Steady-State Heat Conduction Equation. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 10(1): 61-66, 2005.
  93. 刘闯,张雄,陆明万. Fluid-structure interaction analysis of a hypothetical core disruptive accident in LMFBRs. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 235 (6): 701-712, 2005. 
  94. 潘小飞,张雄,陆明万. Meshless Galerkin least-square method. Computational Mechanics, 35(3): 182-189, 2005 
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  96. Wegner, J.L., Yao , M.M. and Zhang, X., Dynamic Wave-Soil-Structure Interaction Analysis in the Time Domain, Computers Structures, 83: 2206-2214, 2005 
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  98. 宋康祖,张雄,陆明万. Meshless method based on collocation with consistent compactly supported radial basis functions. Acta Mechanica Sinica. 20(5), 551-557, 2004 
  99. 姚艳萍,陆明万,张雄. Elasto-plastic behavior of pipe subjected to steady axial load and cyclic bending. Nuclear Engineering and Design. 229, 189-197, 2004 
  100. 宋康祖,张雄,陆明万. Elasto-plastic analysis based on collocation with moving least square method. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 16(2): 162-170, 2003 
  101. 张雄,刘小虎,宋康祖,陆明万,Least-square collocation meshless method, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 51(9):1089-1100, 2001 
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  103. J. L. Wegner, 张雄, Free vibrations of a three-dimensional soil-structure system, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics,30(1): 43-57, 2001 
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  105. 张雄,陆明万,J. L. Wegner, A 2-D meshless model for jointed rock structures, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 47(10): 1649-1661, 2000 
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  108. 张雄,陆明万,Block-interfaces model for nonlinear numerical simulations of rock structures,International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 35(7), 983-990, 1998 
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  110. 张雄,钱令希, Rigid finite element and limit analysis, ACTA MECHANICA SINICA, 9(2):156-162, 1993
  1. 周若璞,曾治鑫,张雄. 超高速碰撞下相变效应的交错网格物质点法研究. 计算力学学报, 41(1):81-90, 2024. (doi: 10.7511/jslx20230816006)
  2. 姜洪舟, 张雄. 基于碰撞模型的罚篮过程分析. 力学与实践, 46(4):836-843,2024.(DOI: 10.6052/1000-0879-23-400
  3. 倪锐晨,孙梓贤,李家盛,张雄. 结构爆炸毁伤的浸没多介质有限体积物质点法. 力学学报, 54(12):3269-3282,2022. (DOI: 10.6052/0459-1879-22-446)
  4. 张恒, 张雄, 乔丕忠. 近场动力学在断裂力学领域的研究进展. 力学进展, 52(4): 852-873, 2022.(DOI: 10.6052/1000-0992-22-023
  5. 阚镭,孙梓贤,张雄,崔潇骁,周旭. 钢筋混凝土的杂交交错网格物质点有限元法研究. 中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学, 52(1):104705, 2022. (DOI: 10.1360/SSPMA-2022-0186
  6. 曾治鑫, 阚镭, 张雄. 层裂问题的交错网格物质点法研究. 固体力学学报, 42(3): 320-333, 2021
  7. 徐世浩,张雄. 弹簧振子在光滑水平面内的运动规律. 大学物理,39(05): 52-57,2020.
  8. 陈镇鹏, 宋言, 张雄, 吴博. 耦合有限元物质点法及其在流固耦合问题中的应用. 工程力学, 34(12):14-21, 2017.(DOI: 10.6052/j.issn.1000-4750.2017.05.ST04)
  9. 刘岩,张雄. 基于物质点法的多尺度计算. 中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学,47(7), 070014,2017 (DOI: 10.1360/SSPMA2017-00023)
  10. 张雄,刘岩,张帆,陈镇鹏. 极端变形问题的物质点法研究进展. 计算力学学报,34(1):1-16, 2017 (DOI:10.7511/jslx201701001
  11. 张雄, 张帆. 流固耦合不可压物质点法及其在晃动问题中的应用. 计算力学学报,33(4):582-587, 2016
  12. 刘岩,张雄,刘平,廉艳平,马上,宫伟伟,王汉奎. 空间碎片防护问题的物质点无网格法与软件系统. 载人航天,21(5): 503-509,2015
  13. 李逸良, 邱信明, 张雄. 恢复系数的不同定义及其适用性分析. 力学与实践,37(6): 773-777, 2015
  14. 廉艳平,张凡,刘岩,张雄. 物质点法的理论及应用. 力学进展,43(2): 237~264, 2013。
  15. 周双珍,张雄,马红磊. 不同骨密度下人体脊柱着陆冲击响应的数值模拟,医用生物力学,28(3):1-5, 2013。
  16. 周双珍,张雄,马红磊. 利用物质点法研究不同头部模型对头部碰撞动态响应的影响,医用生物力学,28(1): 74-79, 2013. 
  17. 刘岩, Belytschko T, 张雄. 无网格支持域积分方法. 固体力学学报. 33(1):1-7, 2012.
  18. 张雄,廉艳平,杨鹏飞,李金光,张艳涛,王汉奎.  冲击爆炸问题的三维物质点法数值仿真. 计算机辅助工程. 20(4): 29-37, 2011.
  19. 黄鹏,张雄. 基于Openmp的三维显式物质点法并行化研究. 计算力学学报, 27(1): 21-27, 2010.
  20. 马上,张雄. 聚能装药射流形成的自适应物质点法模拟,固体力学学报, 30(5): 504-508, 2009
  21. 张雄,刘岩,马上. 无网格法的理论及应用,力学进展,39(1):1-36, 2009. 入选2012年度“领跑者5000”、2013年度“领跑者5000”和2012年度中国百篇最具影响国内学术论文
  22. 王汉奎,张雄,刘岩. 并行化光滑分子动力学方法及其与分子动力学的耦合. 计算物理,25(6): 718-724,2008.
  23. 潘小飞,张雄,陆明万. 质点积分无单元伽辽金法及其在金属成型中的应用. 计算力学学报,25(5): 595-601, 2008.
  24. 肖大舟,张雄. 双重点最小二乘配点无网格法. 计算力学学报,23(6):711-717, 2006.
  25. 邢向华, 张雄,陆明万. 基于 Galerkin 法弱形式的时间积分法. 工程力学,23(7):8-12, 2006.
  26. 马上,张雄,邱信明. 超高速碰撞问题的三维物质点法. 爆炸与冲击,26(3):273-278, 2006.
  27. 张伟,张雄. 板壳问题的三维无网格伽辽金直接分析法. 计算力学学报,23(2):136-141, 2006.
  28. 刘闯,张雄,陆明万. 用ALE格式有限元法分析快中子增殖堆的假象堆芯破损事故. 工程力学,23(2):157-162,2006.
  29. 马上,张雄. 弹丸超高速碰撞成坑问题的三维物质点法. 振动工程学报,19(S): 19-22,2006.
  30. 刘闯,张雄,陆明万. 液体飞溅及冲击壁面问题的分析. 清华大学学报(自然科学版),45(5): 662-665,2005.
  31. 马军,张雄. 几何精确的二维动态压电梁有限元格式. 工程力学,22(2):50-55, 2005.
  32. 邵卫云,张雄. 水泵水轮机全特性曲线的拟合—移动最小二乘近似. 水利发电学报,23(5):102-106, 2004.
  33. 刘闯,张雄,陆明万. 贮液容器爆炸事故中的载荷模型及能量释放分析. 压力容器,21(7):23-27, 2004.
  34. 陆明万,张雄. 从动能定理到第二类拉格朗日方程. 力学与实践,25(5):66-68, 2003.
  35. 张雄,宋康祖,陆明万. 无网格法研究进展及其应用. 计算力学学报,20(6):730-742,2003.
  36. 苗红宇,张雄,陆明万. 分阶拟合直接配点无网格法. 工程力学,20(5):48-52,2003.
  37. 张雄,胡炜,潘小飞,陆明万. 加权最小二乘无网格法. 力学学报,35(4):425-431, 2003. (2009年获第6届中国科协期刊优秀学术论文二等奖,2017年获“1997-2006年《力学学报》影响力提升优秀贡献奖”)
  38. 姚艳萍, 陆明万, 张雄. 地震载荷作用下管道的载荷分区图, 压力容器,2001年增刊,140-143
  39. 刘岩,张雄,陆明万. 热传导问题的加权最小二乘无网格(WLSM)方法. 南昌大学学报•理科版,27(专辑): 22-26,2003.
  40. 张雄,潘小飞,刘岩,陆明万. 紧支试函数加权残值法及其应用(大会报告). 南昌大学学报•理科版,27(专辑): 27-23,2003.
  41. 张雄,宋康祖,陆明万. 紧支试函数加权残值法. 力学学报,35(1):43-49, 2003.
  42. 姚艳萍, 陆明万, 张雄. 轴力和交变弯矩作用下双对称梁的弹塑性状态. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 42 (4): 450-473, 2002.
  43. 王建军,陆明万,张雄,李其汉,朱梓根,流体力学广义 GLS/PG 方法基本理论,水动力学研究与进展A辑,17(3): 294-303,2002.
  44. 王建军,陆明万,张雄,李其汉,朱根,自由液面流体大晃动有限元方法,水动力学研究与进展A辑, 16(3): 390-395,2001.
  45. 张雄,宋康祖,陆明万,紧支试函数加权残量法,强度与环境,2000年增刊1,58-63
  46. 宋康祖,张雄,陆明万,紧支距离函数配点法,强度与环境,2000年增刊1,52-57
  47. 刘小虎,张雄,陆明万,基于MLS的最小二乘配点法,强度与环境,2000年增刊1,46-51
  48. 王建军,陆明万,张雄,流体力学Petrov-Galerkin有限元方法研究进展,计算力学学报,15(4):495-502, 1998.
  49. 张雄,陆明万,块体-夹层模型的弹塑性和接触分析方法,岩土工程学报,20(3):1-5, 1998.
  50. 张雄,不连续介质力学分析的块体-夹层模型,力学学报,29(3):323-331,1997.
  51. 张雄,陆明万,王建军,任意拉格朗日-欧拉描述法研究进展,计算力学学报,14(1):91-102,1997.
  52. 张雄,陆明万,岩土结构稳定性分析的块体-夹层模型,计算力学学报,1997年增刊, 397-401
  53. 王建军,陆明万,张雄,汽车变速系统的拍击动力学基本理论,机械科学与技术,16(3):391-397,1997.
  54. 王建军,陆明万,张雄,核反应堆结构系统数值模拟方法与程序评述,工程力学增刊,121-125,1996.
  55. 王建军,陆明万,张雄,切削颤振稳定性分析的统一理论,动态分析与测试技术,14(4):10-13,1996.
  56. 张雄,刘浩吾,砖混房屋模型的基底隔震实验研究, 地震工程与工程振动,15(1):119-124, 1995.
  57. 王建军,陆明万,张雄,齿轮系统间隙非线性振动基本理论,非线性动力学报,1995年增刊
  58. 张雄,边坡稳定性分析的改进条分法,岩土工程学报,16(3):84-92, 1994.
  59. 张雄, 刘浩吾, 隔震支座的稳定性分析, 地震工程与工程振动, 14(3):114-119, 1994.
  60. 张雄,边坡稳定性的刚性有限元评价,成都科技大学学报,1994年第6期, 47-52
  61. 张雄,潘志,高级语言的高效图形显示技术,微型计算机,14(6): 64-67, 1994.
  62. 张雄,MS PASCAL 语言的硬件接口技术,微型机与应用,1993年第4期, 30-32
  63. 钱令希,张雄,刚性有限元的参变量变分原理及其参数二次规划解,计算结构力学及其应用, 9(2):1-8, 1992.
  64. 张雄,岩体稳定性的极限分析法-刚体弹塑性夹层模型,岩土力学, 13(1):66-73, 1992.
  65. 钱令希,张雄, 结构分析的刚性有限元法, 计算结构力学及其应用, 8(1):1-14, 1991.
  66. 邓可顺, 张雄, 加筋组合结构有限元网格自动生成,大连理工大学学报, 30(4):487-488, 1990.
  67. 张雄, 邓可顺,MS FORTRAN语言绘图功能的开发,微计算机应用, 10(6):55-58, 1989.
  68. 钱令希,张雄,理想刚塑性结构的极限分析, 计算数学增刊, 65-70,科学出版社,1990.
  1. 张雄.  Numerical Simulation of Impact and explosion problems with material point method. 3rd International Symposium on Computational Mechanics & 2nd Symposium on Computational Structural Engineering. 5-7 December, 2011, Taipei. (Semi-Plenary Lecture)
  2. 张雄. Recent developments on MPM and its application in impact and explosion simulation. International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM 2010), 19-21 Nov, 2010, Zhangjiajie, China (Invited lecture).
  3. 王汉奎,张雄. The carbon nanotube composite simulation by materials point method. 18th European Conference on Fracture (ECF 18), August 30 - September 03, 2010, Dresden, Germany.
  4. 廉艳平,张雄,马志涛. A hybrid MP-FE method for modeling dynamic response of reinforced concrete subject to impact loading.  9th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 4th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM/APCOM 2010), Sidney, Australia, 19-23 July 2010.
  5. 王汉奎,张雄. Adaptive smoothed molecular dynamics for multiscale modelling. International Symposium on Computational Mechanics of Materials(IWCMM-18), Oct. 7 - 10, 2008, Beijing, China
  6. 张雄,马上,黄鹏. Adaptive material point method for shaped charge simulation, 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM8) & 5th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2008), 30 June - 4 July, 2008. Venice, Italy.
  7. 马上,张雄. Material Point Method for Impact and Explosion Problems. International Symposium on Computational Mechanics (ISCM2007), Beijing: Tsinghua University Press & Springer , July 30 - August 1, 2007, Beijing, China (Semi - Plenary lecturer)
  8. 马上,张雄. Comparison of MPM and SPH in hypervelocity impact simulation. 2nd Asia-Pacific International Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering (ICOME 2006), Hefei, China, Nov.14-16, 2006.
  9. 马上,张雄. Material point method for hypervelocity impact problems. 7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Los Angeles, California, July 16 - 22, 2006.
  10. 刘岩,张雄,陆明万. A Smoothed Molecular Dynamics with Eulerian Grid for Multiscale Simulation. 7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Los Angeles, California, July 16 - 22, 2006.
  11. 潘小飞,张雄,陆明万. Galerkin Collocation Meshless Method. Sixth World Congress on Computational Mechanics in conjunction with the Second Asain-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics, Sept. 5 - 10, 2004, Beijing, China.
  12. Wegner, J.L., Yao, M.M., Zhang, X. Free vibration analysis of tall buildings with soil-structure interaction, Sixth World Congress on Computational Mechanics in conjunction with the Second Asain-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics, Sept. 5 - 10, 2004, Beijing, China.
  13. Yao , M.M., Wegner, J.L., Zhang, X., Dynamic Response of a Three-Dimensional Soil-Structure System, ASME Mechanics and Materials Conference, Scottsdale , Arizona , June, 2003.
  14. 胡炜,张雄,陆明万. 显式直接配点法. 中国计算力学大会’2003论文集,2003
  15. 潘小飞,张雄,陆明万. Meshless Galerkin Least Squares Method. 中国计算力学大会'2003论文集,2003
  16. 刘岩,张雄,陆明万. Meshless Weighted Least-Square (MWLS) Method for Steady-state Heat Conduction Problems. 中国计算力学大会’2003论文集,2003
  17. 张雄,潘小飞,胡炜,陆明万. Meshless weighted least-square method. Proceedings of Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Vienna, Austria, July 7-12, 2002.
  18. 姚艳萍, 陆明万, 张雄. Energy dissipation of cyclically plastic bending and elastic-plastic dynamic response of piping, Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Vibration Conference, 560-564, Oct. 28 - Nov. 1, 2001, Hangzhou, China
  19. Yao, M.M., Wegner, J.L., Zhang, X. Dynamic Soil-Structure-Wave Interaction of a Tall Building, Structural Dynamics, EURODYN2002, Grundmann and Schueller (eds.), 1259-1264, Swets and Zeitlinger, Lisse, 2002.
  20. 张雄,宋康祖,陆明万. 无网格方法的研究进展及其应用,中国计算力学大会'2001论文集(大会报告),112-121,广州,2001.
  21. 张雄,胡炜,潘小飞,陆明万. 加权最小二乘无网格法,中国计算力学大会'2001论文集,333-338,广州,2001.
  22. 宋康祖,张雄,陆明万. Collocation with Modified Compactly Supported Radial Basis Functions, Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Engineering & Sciences (ICES’01), Puerto Vallarta, 19-25 August, 2001
  23. 宋康祖,张雄,陆明万. Meshless collocation method with outer domain nodes,in: Proceedings of 6th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, August 1-4, 2001, Dearborn, MI, USA
  24. 张雄,刘小虎,陆明万,Finite point method based on least-square collocation, in: Proceedings of Internal Conference on Computational Engineering & Science, 1439-1444,August 20-25, 2000, Los Angeles, USA
  25. 张雄,宋康祖,陆明万,Hermite type collocation with radial basis functions, in: Proceedings of Internal Conference on Computational Engineering & Science, 1445-1450,August 20-25, 2000, Los Angeles, USA
  26. 宋康祖,张雄,陆明万,Meshless method based on collocation for elasto-plastic analysis, in: Proceedings of Internal Conference on Computational Engineering & Science, 1451-1456,August 20-25, 2000, Los Angeles, USA
  27. 刘欣,陆明万,张雄,Numerical analysis of singular problems using the partition of unity method, in: W.Wunderlich (ed.) Proceedings of the European Conference on Computational Mechanics, August 31 - September 3, 1999, Munich, Germany.
  28. 陆明万,刘欣,张雄,陈勇,基于紧支径向基函数的配点型无网格方法求解椭圆型边值问题,姚振汉,王勖成,岑章志(主编)力学与工程,清华大学出版社,174-179,1999
  29. 王建军,陆明万,张雄,ALE型流固耦合问题的交替求解方法,王大钧,曲广吉 (主编): 工程力学进展,北京大学出版社,340-345,1998
  30. 王建军,陆明万,张雄,齿轮系统动力学的理论体系,第六届全国振动理论及应用学术会议论文集,1997年4月,武汉
  31. 张雄,陆明万,Variational principles for rigid finite element method, In (Chang-Koon Choi, el.tl. Eds): Proceedings of The Third Asian-Pacific Conference on Computational Mechanics, 61-66, Seoul, Korea, 1996
  32. 张雄,陆明万,傅激扬,20MW高温气冷堆管系静动力分析,第九届全国反应堆结构力学会议论文集,1996年10月,北京
  33. 张雄,陆明万,陈勇,铅胶隔震支座三维非线性动态分析,北京市振动工程学会学术会议论文集,1996年10月,宜昌
  34. 张雄,刘浩吾,基底隔震技术的数值模拟,中国首届博士后学术大会论文集, 532-535, 1993年6月,北京
  35. 张雄,郑璐石,An algorithm for solving linear programming with free variables, In: Proceedings of International Conference on Education, Practice and Promotion of Computational Methods in Engineering Using Small Computers, 164-169, 大连, 1992年
  36. 钱令希, 张雄, Rigid finite element method in structural analysis, In(ed.): Computational Mechanics,1165-1171,BALKEMA,Hong Kong,1991; Also In(ed.):The Finite Element Method In The 1990's, 89-98, Springer Verlag, BARCELONA, 1991
