代数运算 文章列表 名称 作者 点击数 EM Photonics CULA Tools 张雄 19984 High-performance multi-dimensional C++ Array class (as fast as Fortran) 张雄 34085 SLEPc, the Scalable Library for Eigenvalue Problem Computations 张雄 30209 MUMPS: a MUltifrontal Massively Parallel sparse direct Solver 张雄 35335 librsb - A shared memory parallel sparse matrix computations library 张雄 30547 FILTLAN - Filetered Lanczos Eigensolver 张雄 22987 SparSol - High-performance sparse linear solver 张雄 25349 BLZPACK- Block LancZos PACKage 张雄 23679 ARPACK - Fortran77 subroutines designed to solve large scale eigenvalue problems 张雄 35266 Octave - a high-level language for numerical computations. 张雄 30241 第 1 页 共 2 页 开始 上一页 1 2 下一页 最后